Anastasia McKinnon

Anastasia McKinnon is a young Croatian Australian woman working as a Union Organiser across the Northern Territory. 

Born in Melbourne, she completed a degree in International Relations at the University of Melbourne. She has been active in volunteer work, teaching at a homework club for migrants with the Jesuit Social Services, and holding music events to raise money for women’s reproductive health in Ethiopia, through Ethiopiaid Australia. 

As a student she worked in casual jobs that exposed her to poor workplace practices such as sexual harassment and wage theft. After a legal battle with an employer over stolen wages, she was inspired to help to empower other workers to stand up for their rights in the workplace too. 

At the beginning of 2020 she moved to Darwin and is now an Organiser for the United Workers Union, working with members in industries such as cleaning, hospitality, local council and security. She helps workers obtain better pay and conditions, educates them about their rights, supports them in workplace disputes, and negotiates Enterprise Bargaining Agreements with employers.