Ange Susa

Ange is a Lawyer in CDI’s Construction Litigation & Dispute Resolution team. She has 5 years’ experience acting for national and multinational corporations in large-scale, high-profile litigation. Her legal experience to date has been vast and varied but it has all shared a common theme – one which supports her love for collaboration and delving into the intricacies of larger, more complex matters.  

Ange is a first-generation Australian-Croatian who has a tremendous amount of love, pride and   passion for her roots. She has been an active member of the Brisbane Croatian Catholic Church and Community Centre and is closely connected to her family in Croatia. Ange is especially eager to help our Australian-Croatian female youth population to take up space in the wider Australian community and workforce.  

Alongside her litigation work, Ange continually looks for ways to give back. She has previously volunteered for not-for-profit law firms such as Salvos Legal Humanitarian (in conjunction with Salvos Asylum Seeker Clinic) which supports disadvantaged and marginalised people in the Brisbane and Greater Ipswich community.  


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